Title: Last Supper; Artist: Károly Kernstok (1873-1940); Scripture: Matthew 26:14-27:66; Mark 14:1-15:47; Luke 22:14-23:56; John 13:1-17, 31b-35
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Maundy Thursday — Holy Eucharist (with Music in the Nave of the Church)

We will gather in person for a celebration of Maundy Thursday — The Last Supper of the Lord with Foot Washing, Stripping of the Altar, and Holy Eucharist at 7:00 pm. In recognition that we are a community that cares for one another and in order to help protect those among us with health concerns, we encourage mask wearing during worship. Please respect the mask and distancing choices of others, and if you are not feeling well we ask that you join the service via livestream. Those not able to join us in person can access the live-stream of the service at this link https://events.locallive.tv/events/93926 (once on the site, please remember to increase the volume setting up as the default will be to set to mute) — if you have tech troubles, contact Local Live at [email protected] or call +1 877-355-6225.

All are welcome as we gather in person together in our beloved church.
Maundy Thursday — The Last Supper of the Lord with Foot Washing, Stripping of the Altar, and Holy Eucharist (with Music)
Lesson: Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm: 116:1, 10-17
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Gospel: John 13:1-17. 31b-35
Click here for the Episcopal Church glossary on the Maundy Thursday service and the Foot Washing.

Title: Jesus Washing Peter's Feet; Artist: Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893); Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31b-35

Title: Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet; Artist: Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893); Date: 1852-1856; Building: Tate Britain; Object/Function: Painting; City/Town: London; Country: United Kingdom; Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31b-35. Notes: Ford Madox Brown was a British painter known for his works on historical and moral subjects. In this painting of the events just before the Last Supper scene, Brown depicts the disciples faces with a level of stunning detail. Some appear merely disconcerted while others are absolutely horrified and humiliated at Jesus’ act of loving service. Peter sits awkwardly in an embarrassed posture as Jesus kneels before him to wash his feet. The unusually low viewpoint allows spectators to place themselves in a vulnerable position alongside Jesus. Peter had to be taught that the traditional worldly ways of power, violence, and hierarchy needed to be cleansed from his expectations regarding Jesus’ mission. Jesus came to wash away this evil disease of humanity and teach us to be truly human—serving one another in acts of compassion and loving kindness. Ridding the world of evil with violence is directly opposed to the gentle sacrifice of Jesus laying down his life to show us a better way.


April 6, 2023 7:00 am - 8:30 pm The Church of the Holy Apostles + Google Map (212) 807-6799 View Venue Website The Church of the Holy Apostles (212) 807-6799 info@holyapostlesnyc.org View Organizer Website Church, Community, Holy Eucharist (with Music), Livestreamed, Mass, Music, Outreach

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