In the time of Jesus, the Law of Moses required certain rituals to be performed after the birth of a child. This was a significant part of Jewish culture and religious practice. It was a way of dedicating the child to God and also a way of purifying the mother after childbirth. Joseph and Mary, being devout Jews, followed these laws faithfully. They took Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord and to offer the required sacrifice. This act of obedience to the Law of Moses was the first step in fulfilling God’s plan for Jesus. It was a declaration that Jesus belonged to God and was set apart for His purposes.
The act of presenting Jesus at the temple was not just a formality or a religious ritual. It was a statement of faith and obedience. Joseph and Mary were not wealthy. The law required a lamb for the sacrifice, but if the parents were poor, they could offer two doves or two young pigeons instead. This is what Joseph and Mary did. Their humble offering was a testament of their faith. They trusted in God’s provision and were obedient to His laws, even in their poverty.
The presentation of Jesus at the temple also marked the recognition of Jesus as the firstborn. In Jewish culture, the firstborn son has a special status. He is considered the heir, the one who would carry on the family name and inherit the family property. More than that, the first born was seen as belonging to God. By presenting Jesus at the temple, Joseph and Mary were acknowledging that Jesus was God’s first and foremost. He was not just their son, but God’s son, set apart for His purposes.
The purification rites were also significant. According to the Law of Moses, a woman was considered ceremonially unclean for certain period after giving birth. After this period, she was to bring a sacrifice to the temple for her purification. Mary, in obedience to the law, came to the temple for her purification. This act had a deeper significance in the context of Jesus’ life and mission. Jesus came to purify us from our sins. His birth was the beginning of this mission. Mary’s purification was a foreshadowing of the spiritual purification that Jesus would bring.
The presentation of Jesus at the temple and the purification rites were not just religious rituals. They were acts of faith and obedience. They were a declaration of Jesus’ identity and mission. They were a foreshadowing of the salvation that Jesus would bring. As we reflect on these events, let us be inspired by the faith and obedience of Joseph and Mary. Let us also be reminded of Jesus’ mission to purify us from our sins and to present us to God as His children. Let us respond in faith and obedience, just as Joseph and Mary did.

Title: Presentation in the Temple; Date: 1440-1442; Artist: fra Angelico, (approx. 1400-1455); Object/Function: Fresco; City/Town: Florence; Country: Italy; Scripture: Luke 2:22-40. Notes: From the Yorck Project. Permalink: (Use this link to refer back to this image.)