The First Sunday after the Pentecost: Trinity Sunday — Sunday Morning Prayer
Celebration of Trinity Sunday. This feast is associated with Thomas Becket (c.1118-1170), who was consecrated bishop on Trinity Sunday, 1162. His martyrdom may have influenced the popularity of the feast in England and the custom of naming the remaining Sundays of the church year “Sundays after Trinity.” The Sarum Missal and editions of the Prayer Book through the 1928 BCP named these Sundays the Sundays after Trinity. The 1979 BCP identifies this portion of the church year as the season after Pentecost, and names these Sundays the Sundays after Pentecost (see BCP, p 32).
Due to COVID-19/Coronavirus in person worship gathering concerns we are continuing to experience our Sunday service online via Zoom. We invite you to join us for Sunday Morning Prayer, please click here.
Sunday Morning Prayer (with Music — via Zoom)
Lesson: Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm: 29 or
Canticle: 2 or 13
Epistle: Romans 8:12-17
Gospel: John 31:1-17
Breakout Rooms for Fellowship Follow. There is no Adult Forum on this day.