Title: God Appears to Moses in a Burning Bush; Artist: Anonymous; Scripture: Exodus 3:1-15
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The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost — Holy Eucharist (Said in the Muriel Moore Chapel)

We will gather for a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 9 am in the Muriel Moore chapel on Sunday.

All are welcome as we gather together at 9:00 am in our beloved church.
Holy Eucharist (Said in the Muriel Moore Chapel)
Lesson: Exodus 3:1-15
Psalm: 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c
Epistle: Romans 12:9-21
Gospel: Matthew 16:21-28

Title: Free Me; Date: 2021; Artist: Liz Valente; Object/Function: Drawing; City/Town: Viçosa; Country: Brazil; Scripture: Matthew 16:21-28

Title: Free Me; Date: 2021; Artist: Liz Valente; Object/Function: Drawing; City/Town: Viçosa; Country: Brazil; Scripture: Matthew 16:21-28; Notes: “Lord, I am involved in so many things, but occupation is not synonymous with fulfillment. I walk in empty and dangerous paths. Free me from this vicious path of self-sufficiency.” @soniacoutop [7/10 Prayers from the heart]. “Senhor, estou envolvida em tantas coisas, mas a ocupação não é sinônimo de preenchimento. Ando em caminhos vazios e perigosos. Livra-me deste vicioso trajeto da auto-suficiência.” @soniacoutop [7/10 Orações do coração]. Liz Valente is a liturgical artist, wife and mother of 4 children; she has a master’s degree in architecture and urbanism and is a professor of drawing for training architects at higher education levels. She works on several artistic fronts, such as theatre, visual arts and music, having created the album “Pipa Amarela”, released in 2013. She has worked with teenagers and young people at the Presbyterian Church of Viçosa, where her husband serves as a pastor. In her spare time, she writes prayers with accompanying art images and shares them on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/donalizvalente/.

September 3, 2023 9:00 am - 9:45 am The Church of the Holy Apostles + Google Map (212) 807-6799 View Venue Website The Church of the Holy Apostles (212) 807-6799 info@holyapostlesnyc.org View Organizer Website Church, Community, Holy Eucharist (said), Mass, Outreach

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