Title: Ivory Carving of the Nativity; Scripture: Luke 2:15-21;Date: 10th-11th centuries; Building: Vatican Museums;
This event has passed.

The Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ — No 9:00 am Holy Eucharist

There is no Holy Eucharist at 9 am in the Muriel Moore chapel this Sunday.

Title: Classic Banner, Year A, Holy Name of Jesus. The Classic Banners were created for a revision of the Revised Common Lectionary website in 1997-1998.

Title: Classic Banner, Year A, Holy Name of Jesus. The Classic Banners were created for a revision of the Revised Common Lectionary website in 1997-1998.

January 1, 2023 9:00 am - 9:45 am The Church of the Holy Apostles + Google Map (212) 807-6799 View Venue Website The Church of the Holy Apostles (212) 807-6799 info@holyapostlesnyc.org View Organizer Website Church, Community, Holy Eucharist (said), Mass, Outreach

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