Title: Classic Banner, Year B, Second Sunday after Epiphany; Date: 1997; Artist: Vanderbilt Divinity Library staff;
This event has passed.

The Second Sunday after Epiphany — Holy Eucharist (Said in the Muriel Moore Chapel)

We will gather for a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 9 am in the Muriel Moore chapel on Sunday.

All are welcome as we gather together at 9:00 am in our beloved church.
Holy Eucharist (Said in the Muriel Moore Chapel)
Lesson: 1 Samuel 3:1-20
Psalm: 139:1-5, 12-17
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Gospel: John 1:43-51
Adult Forum Follows

Title: The mission to the world; Date: 1973; Artist: JESUS MAFA; Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20; John 17:20-26; John 16:12-15; John 1:43-51

Title: The mission to the world; Date: 1973; Artist: JESUS MAFA; Country: Cameroon; Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20; John 17:20-26
John 16:12-15; John 1:43-51; Notes: JESUS MAFA is a response to the New Testament readings from the Lectionary by a Christian community in Cameroon, Africa. Each of the readings was selected and adapted to dramatic interpretation by the community members. Photographs of their interpretations were made, and these were then transcribed to paintings. In The Mission to the World, Jesus stands atop a hill proclaiming to his disciples their authority to baptize and teach all that Jesus commanded. His arms are outstretched in a posture of blessing and exhortation. Some disciples remain before him while others are setting out on their journey to complete the task Jesus has set before them. Those departing go in separate directions to spread the gospel to all nations. This scene is a reminder that all Christians are called to spread Jesus’ message of love and justice throughout the world. Permalink: https://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/act-imagelink.pl?RC=48314 (Use this link to refer back to this image.)

January 14, 2024 9:00 am - 9:45 am The Church of the Holy Apostles + Google Map (212) 807-6799 View Venue Website The Church of the Holy Apostles (212) 807-6799 info@holyapostlesnyc.org View Organizer Website Church, Community, Holy Eucharist (said), Mass, Outreach

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