The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost — Holy Eucharist (said in the Muriel Moore Chapel)
We will gather for a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 9 am in the Muriel Moore chapel on Sunday.
All are welcome as we gather together at 9:00 am in our beloved church.
Holy Eucharist (Said in the Muriel Moore Chapel)
Lesson: Job 38:1-7, 34-41
Psalm: 104:1-9, 25, 37b
Epistle: Hebrews 5:1-10
Gospel: Mark 10:35-45
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Title: Who Gives Wisdom; Date: 1100-1125; Building: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana; Object/Function: Manuscript illumination; Country: Vatican City; Scripture: Job 38:1-7, (34-41). Notes: This image is from the Book of Job course taught by Dr. Choon-Leong Seow, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville TN. Codex Gr. 1231, Folio 410. Permalink: (Use this link to refer back to this image.)