All Saint’s Day (tr.) — Holy Eucharist (Said in the Muriel Moore Chapel)

The Church of the Holy Apostles 296 9th Ave, New York

All are welcome at our 9 am Holy Eucharist together in our beloved church. Holy Eucharist -- Said in the Muriel Moore Chapel -- Lesson: Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18; Psalm: 149; Epistle: Ephesians 1:11-23; Gospel: Luke 6:20-31. And, if you are not feeling well we ask that you join the service via livestream at 11 am.

All Saint’s & All Soul’s Day (tr.) — Holy Eucharist (with Music)

The Church of the Holy Apostles 296 9th Ave, New York

Please join us for in person for worship. We encourage mask wearing during worship. Please respect the mask and distancing choices of others, and if you are not feeling well we ask that you join the service via livestream. The live-stream of the service at this link Holy Eucharist & All Souls Day Commemoration -- with Necrology Reading & Music -- Lesson: Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18; Psalm: 149; Epistle: Ephesians 1:11-23; Gospel: Luke 6:20-31; Coffee & Fellowship Follow.

Join Us At Community Sunday Supper

The Church of the Holy Apostles 296 9th Ave, New York

Community Sunday Supper on November 6 from 1 pm to 3 pm. No RSVP is required. Food (including vegetarian options).