The Second Sunday of Advent — Lessons & Carols and Holy Eucharist (with Special Music)

The Church of the Holy Apostles 296 9th Ave, New York

Please join us for the service of Lessons & Carols and Holy Eucharist (with Special Music) at 11 am. The live-stream of the service at this link -- Carols: Recitative -- "Comfort Ye, My People" & Aria: "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted" from The Messiah by Handel; "E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come" by Paul Manz; "Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion" from The Messiah by Handel. Lessons: Isaiah 40:1-11; Isaiah 35:1-10; Isaiah 65:17-25; Luke 1:5-25; Gospel: Mark 1:1-8. Coffee, Fellowship & Sunday Supper Follow.