During the summer months, donations slow at food banks and soup kitchens across the country, all the while hundreds of thousands of families and individuals need food assistance and support, especially while schools are out, and electricity bills are higher.
At Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry, we created our Summer Meal Drive to support our community during the summer months and raise funds and awareness about those who struggle with food insecurity during this time.
According to United Way of New York City’s True Cost of Living Report, 50% of working-age households in New York City do not have incomes that cover basic needs, such as housing, food, health care, and transportation. At Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, we see these realities every day with hundreds of families turning to us for food assistance as they struggle to make ends meet and afford rising prices at the grocery store.
Of those households that do not have enough income to cover basic needs, 80% have at least one working adult and 40% have at least one child. For those households living below the true cost of living estimate in New York City, 70% do not receive SNAP benefits. For these individuals, the high cost of food at the grocery store can be an insurmountable challenge.
At Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry, we provide groceries and hot meals to our neighbors in need, many of whom are living below the true cost of living threshold and are struggling to make ends meet. This summer, join is supporting these neighbors by being a part of our summer meal drive: https://donate.holyapostlesnyc.org/give/491928/#!/donation/checkout