Volunteer Corner – Meet Maureen

Volunteer Corner – Meet Maureen

“I believe that you should give back,” Maureen says, and she means it. After retiring from a successful career in business and a stint with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Maureen jumped into volunteering with both feet. In fact, she is one of our...

For Her Granddaughter – Meet Mildred

For Her Granddaughter – Meet Mildred

You helped Mildred provide a stable home during a tough time   If you’ve ever had a growing child in your house, you know what it’s like. They need plenty of good, nourishing food, of course. But they also seem to outgrow their clothes and shoes every few months....

Hunger and Heart | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector

Hunger and Heart | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector

Yesterday was “Fast-a-Thon” for Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen; a day when participants ask those in their network to sponsor them as they fast in support of our Soup Kitchen guests. The fast is a modified exercise: in solidarity with those who come to our doors for a hot meal (which is often the only sustenance they receive on any give day), we are asked to eat only one meal within a twenty-four hour-period instead of three….

Good Corporate Citizen: Partnering with Google this Summer

Guest Spotlight: Dmytro and Vladyslav

"We were stuck at the border for three days," Dmytro says simply. "It was so cold, and there was a shortage of food." Nineteen-year-old Dmytro, his younger brother Vladyslav, and their mother fled from Ukraine at the start of the war. In the crush of people seeking...


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