In Celebration of St. Mary the Virgin

In Celebration of St. Mary the Virgin

You may have registered on Tuesday that alternate side of the street parking was suspended for the day. Now that is hardly an unusual experience in this multi-cultural, multi-faith city where some group or another is regularly celebrating some special day. Of course,...
In Celebration of St. Mary the Virgin

Exploring Transfiguration

On Sunday we will be observing the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord since the August 6 feast falls on that day. By ancient tradition Feasts of Our Lord (those pertaining to events in the life of Jesus) take precedence over the regular Sunday observance...
In Celebration of St. Mary the Virgin

In Celebration of St. Mary Magdalene

Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, First Witness to the Resurrection of Jesus, and also “the Apostle to the Apostles.” She has certainly earned her place in the list of major saints’ days in the Book of Common Prayer. It is a day personally...
In Celebration of St. Mary the Virgin

Celebrating Milestones

Most of us enjoy remembering and celebrating anniversaries. They are part of life. On July 1, I celebrated my first anniversary as Interim Pastor here at Holy Apostles. I am indeed thankful for the opportunity to minister in this wonderful parish and to be associated...
In Celebration of St. Mary the Virgin

Welcoming Summer

Summer officially began on Wednesday with the Summer Solstice. With the Summer comes warmer weather, humidity, outdoor activities and events, Summer reading, vacation days, less meetings, a more relaxed schedule, and a time to catch up with family and friends. I love...