Volunteer Corner – Meet Blake

09.18.24 | Food for the Soul, Volunteer Stories

Blake began volunteering at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen in 2019, looking to build his character and improve his ability to communicate with people from all walks of life — skills that would be essential in his future career as a Navy doctor. What drew him to Holy Apostles was our dynamic atmosphere and simple sign-up process. “Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry had the most dynamic and easiest sign-up system.

I tried volunteering here the first time in 2019 and got hooked,” Blake shares. He’s since logged over 150 hours of volunteer time with us!

“A lot of soup kitchens around here only serve on weekends or once a month,” Blake explains. “Holy Apostles is consistent. I like that a lot because someone could know for sure that they get something to eat here.”

Blake loved helping people while in the Marine Corps and continues through his volunteer work.

Blake enjoys spending time with our guests, seeing it as an opportunity to develop the communication skills he’ll need as a doctor. “I want to be able to understand and communicate with people of all shapes and sizes effectively, where they will trust me and want to listen to me,” he says. “Plus, if they want to talk, I love talking,” he adds with a laugh.

We’re so grateful for volunteers like Blake! If you, your family, or your group would like to explore volunteer opportunities, visit holyapostlesnyc.org/get-involved/volunteer to learn more.

Kayla Mills

Kayla Mills


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