Answering Prayers | The Rev. Robert A. Jacobs, Deacon

07.22.22 | Community, International, Pulpit Posts, World

If your neighbor knocks on your door late at night and says, a friend of theirs has arrived unexpectedly, then asks to borrow some food as they have nothing to serve, would you tell them to go away as it is late.

Perhaps, you would be persistent and continue to knock till your neighbor gets up and gives you something for your friend.

We, the children of God are more then welcome to be persistent in asking our Father in Heaven for what we need, and to keep on knocking as an ongoing act of faith in God.

We have a standing invitation to pray to God – anytime, any place, under any circumstance, without hesitation or reservation, to stay the course with no limitations whatsoever. This is in contrast to the unwilling friend who resented being bothered, inconvenienced, to meet the need of a stranger.

God is not like the resistant householder. We are more than welcome to ask for what we really need, and to keep on asking. Knock even when it seems heaven’s door is shut, and to keep knocking.

Prayer therefore must be an ongoing act of faith. God knows what we need before we ask. Each and every day, any time of the day or night, we take it to the Lord in prayer.

Praying helps US! God answers our prayers in keeping with what He knows, is best for us.

Take time to pray, asking God to guide you every step of the way, seeking His goal for all of us.

What a wonderful gift from God, the privilege of direct access to Him at all times, in all situations, with a limitless number of times we can go to Him for help.

Rev. Robert Jacobs

Rev. Robert Jacobs


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