Often, we let our circumstances dictate our faith. We trust God when things are going well, but when things get tough, we start to doubt. We start to question whether He really cares. In part of Sunday’s Gospel, (Mark 12:42-48) we see the faith of the widow was not dependent on her circumstances as she, despite her poverty, gave all she had to the treasury. She was clearly dependent on her trust in God….
A Sense of Joy | The Rev. Susan E. Hill, Associate Rector
As the world around us and our lives grow more and more complicated and stressful, it is often grounding to get back to the simple things in life — like a walk in a park. It’s a good way to let go of our worries and to be present to the beauty of God’s creation. And...
Getting To Know You | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector
Last Saturday, our Vestry gathered for an annual Retreat Day. Bishop Mary Glasspool joined us to lead our morning program, and as an ice-breaker exercise she asked us to create our own version of a poem titled “Where I’m From.” Everyone filled in blanks in a “mad-libs” type template with details from their own experiences, and we read our offerings aloud. It was wonderful to learn new things about one another. There were benefits in figuring out how to fill in the blanks, too—each of us was asked to think about specific details that serve as windows into how each of us has been formed.
But Wait, There’s More! | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector
Some years ago, there was a story making the rounds about a man named Robert Liebowitz. A 60 -year-old single father of five, he had been struggling with kidney disease since he was 10 years old. Eventually he was told that he would need dialysis three times a week to survive, and a transplant to live. Because of his blood type (“O”), and the fact that some of his children were also contending with kidney disease, none of them could donate one of their kidneys to their father….
Cleansing | The Rev. Robert A. Jacobs, Deacon
God wants us to be inwardly genuine and penitent in our worship.
Just as Jesus cleansed the temple we have to take an internal inventory of where we stand. As we know, taking an internal inventory of our own lives is not comfortable is it?
We all know that we have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.
We do not like taking those kinds of inventories because we might not always like what we find within ourselves….
Happy Michaelmas! | The Rev. Susan E. Hill, Associate Rector
Today, Friday, September 29, is the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels. It might be a particularly auspicious day to be open to how angels are present in our own lives. Here is John O’Donohue’s A Blessing of Angels, which might help us to experience angels in a new way…
Celebration | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector
The picture below is a rendering of Exodus 15:20-21. The Israelites have just crossed through the Red Sea, and the Egyptian army has drowned in the water rushing back to its normal depth. In the awe and wonder that follows, the text tells us “Then the prophet Miriam,...
All Together Now | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector
The CHA Vestry meets monthly, from September through June. Like most Vestries of most Episcopal churches, we do not gather in the summer months of July and August. During the height of the pandemic our Vestry met over Zoom, and as virus numbers have ebbed and flowed, we have continued this practice with only a few exceptions.
One of those exceptions occurred this past month. We found ourselves feeling comfortable about meeting (and eating!) in person, and we all agreed that time together live would be a lovely way to mark the end of the “program year.” The agenda was finalized, the reminders were sent out, the pizza was ordered and at the appointed time we sat around the rectangular tables on the first floor of the Mission House to talk through the business of our common life….
Good Corporate Citizen: Gasthalter
At Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, volunteers are truly a part of everything we do. Our work is supported by individual volunteers who join us once a week or once a month, and corporate groups, our Good Corporate Citizens, who join us for Days of Service. One of those...
Charles Oakley Visits Holy Apostles
On Friday, March 11, former NBA All-Star Charles Oakley joined us at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen for a day of delicious food and fellowship with our community. In partnership with The Charles Oakley Foundation and Entain Foundation, Oakley supplied food, fun, and...