Charles Oakley Visits Holy Apostles

03.23.22 | Uncategorized

On Friday, March 11, former NBA All-Star Charles Oakley joined us at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen for a day of delicious food and fellowship with our community. 

In partnership with The Charles Oakley Foundation and Entain Foundation, Oakley supplied food, fun, and fandom to our community. Oakley cooked up a delicious chili, cornbread, peach cobbler, and coleslaw for our guests on a sunny Friday. The day started at 5:30AM, when the Soup Kitchen team and the Entain Foundation team arrived to begin the days preparations. 

At 6:15AM, Oakley started cooking his famous chili for the day’s meal service. An hour into the day, Oakley and our Meal Outreach Specialist, Derrick Walker, went out to deliver breakfast sandwiches to individuals living on the street and sleeping in Penn Station.  

After providing breakfast for New Yorkers in need, Oakley and his team headed back to the Soup Kitchen to continue meal prep. They finished cooking the chili and then packed up 850 boxed lunches to distribute to our Soup Kitchen guests.  

At 10:30AM, meal service began. Oakley handed out boxes with his chili to all of our guests, stopping to pose for photos whenever they were requested. This exciting day wrapped up after a full day of meal service at 12:30PM. Thank you to Mr. Oakley, the Charles Oakley Foundation, and the Entain Foundation for your partnership!  

Sarah Marcantonio

Sarah Marcantonio


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