Christ In Our Struggles | The Rev. Robert A. Jacobs, Deacon

05.29.20 | Community, Pulpit Posts, World

As believers, we are aware that Jesus will never leave us, nor will He ever forsake us. Those who have been saved by His grace exist within the Holy Spirit. He is our constant companion and guide. While we may not always be aware of the Lord’s presence, He is always near to us. In scripture we read that the Lord will be near to those who are struggling in life or dealing with pain associated with the circumstances of life.

There are multiple passages in Scripture where it is undeniable that the Lord was in the midst of His people, providing for their particular needs. We are never alone in the journey, and we need not fear facing life apart from His divine guidance.

The Lord had died upon the cross, and although He had promised to rise again from the dead, the disciples dealt with doubt and uncertainty. At this moment, it appeared all their hopes and dreams had been buried with Jesus, and they were unsure of the future. The disciples were struggling with their current situation and their faith.

This is a passage that all can relate too. While we were not there the day Jesus rose from the grave, or even the week following His resurrection, we too have struggled with situations in life that challenges our faith. This is particularly true especially in the times we are experiencing today.

There’s nothing any better for a fearful heart than a fresh encounter with the Lord. We have never seen Him with our own eye, but He has revealed Himself to us. The world is dark, but we serve a risen Lord. He lives today! He has already conquered all that Satan could muster.

There is no reason to live in fear and doubt; we are more than conquerors in Christ. When times of doubt come, consider the cross, the empty tomb, and remember His promise to come again. We have no reason to walk around with our heads down; we belong to the Lord!

Being a child of God, being saved by His grace, you have the Holy Spirit within you. We have the power of God dwelling within us continually. We don’t have the Lord in person, but we have Him in power. The more we love Him, seek Him, and serve Him, the more power we enjoy. His power doesn’t rest on the unfaithful, but if we’ll remain true to God, we can have the fullness of His power. Look to Him in times of doubt and claim His promises.

Many times, when trouble comes, we depart from the faith. If we ever need God, we need Him in times of trouble. Thomas’s doubt hindered him from being in the Lord’s presence. He missed what Jesus had for Him. You will never again what you miss when you aren’t in the Lord’s presence. Doubt will rob you and defeat you, but there is hope.

Doubt will hinder a fellowship, but when it is removed, we can come close to the Lord. A heart filled with doubt will remain skeptical and afraid, but when doubt is removed, we can once again rest in provision of our Lord. Unwavering faith is essential to committed service.

Faith restores our Focus. You can’t focus on Jesus in faith and continue in doubt. We all will have those seasons of doubt, but if we can be reminded of Jesus, our faith can be renewed. Have you looked at the Lord Lately? He has not changed. He is still all that we need and more.

How is your faith today? Has doubt clouded your view of the Lord? Has life brought a trial that you fear you can’t overcome? Jesus said, “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” Trust in Him Today for whatever needs you face! He is in the midst of those who are struggling.

Rev. Robert Jacobs

Rev. Robert Jacobs


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