Easter Sunday–the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
A time when Alleluias fill the air and we say, ALLELUIA!, CHRIST IS RISEN, THE LORD IS RISEN INDEED, ALLELUIA!
Easter morning revealed a divine power that can transform our lives from the inside out. The hope of the resurrection is that even though we can’t change ourselves, we can be changed.
As disciples of Christ, we need to spread the message of Easter, that God raised Jesus from the dead, and in so doing, offers forgiveness and hope to all that come to have faith in him.
Through the power of God’s Spirit, let us come to live our lives as one of Christ’s risen disciples, overcome our fear, and proclaim the message that regardless of how terrified we might be, God will see us through our fears and lead us to a new life in His kingdom.
We need to learn to be persistently positive in the face of difficulty. We must always be actively advancing in our cause of serving Christ.
Difficulties are not imaginary. They are real, as real as the stone that sealed the tomb, but the experience and courage of the women who went to the tomb reveals that for those who walk forward in the face of obstacles to serve Christ, there will be a solution available.
The death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ has given us the forgiveness of sins and also eternal life and a renewed relationship with God. God didn’t stop his activity at the tomb. He continues to move forward.
On Sunday, as we celebrate Easter – the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we are thankful for what God has done, expectant of the surprises that God has in store for us, and anticipate demonstrations of God’s power that are beyond our imaginations.