Henry’s Amazing Journey

09.18.24 | Donor Stories, Food for the Soul, Guest Stories

How your support creates opportunities to thrive!


On September 1, 2024, Henry marked 19 years of sobriety. Now living in Seattle, he works as a top financial planner and continues to be a dedicated supporter of Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, where he once found the help he needed during a difficult time in his life.

Back in 2005, Henry was living in a three-quarters in Brooklyn, trying to maintain his recovery while struggling financially. With only a small amount from food stamps, he often couldn’t afford proper meals. That’s when Holy Apostles became a vital part of his daily routine, offering nutritious lunches that sustained him. “Their lunch program was my lifeline,” Henry recalls. “It provided a healthy, balanced meal each day, and sometimes I even got seconds. They made sure no one left hungry.

More than just the meals, Henry remembers the kindness and respect he received from the staff and volunteers. “They treated me like a person who mattered, not just someone down on their luck. That dignity helped me stay sober.

A year later, Henry found a job and was able to support himself, but he never forgot the impact Holy Apostles had on him. He became a regular donor and later set up a Donor Advised Fund to keep supporting their mission. “Giving back is important to me because I know firsthand what it’s like to need help. I want to make sure others get the same opportunity to turn their lives around.”

Henry’s journey from guest to donor is a testament to the life-changing support that Holy Apostles provides. Thanks to your generosity, we can continue offering hope and a fresh start to people like Henry every day!

Kayla Mills

Kayla Mills


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