How Does Our Garden Grow? | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector

04.23.21 | Community, Pulpit Posts, World

            We have a number of people who work hard to make our grounds beautiful, most notably Charles Mohacey, Mercedes Coste and Donna Lamb. Donna is also one of our Wardens, and at a recent meeting she shared this story: she said that she was weeding in the flower beds along the north side of the yard. That’s the side that runs parallel to 28th Street. Separated from the street by an iron gate, it’s also right next to the sidewalk where so many of our guests wait patiently for a hot meal or for the pantry items that sustain them throughout the week.

            Donna said that she was working away, focused on pulling weeds as the line for food on the other side of the gate was moving along. Suddenly, she saw another pair of hands reaching in through the gate. Not sure what was happening at first, she soon realized that the hands belonged to one of our guests and that the guest was pulling the weeds they could reach as well! Inspired by what they received, the guest gave as they could—and, without being asked, felt at home enough to jump into service when an opportunity presented itself.

            This sense of generosity and involvement is the hallmark of so much that happens at Holy Apostles; the offerings from so many, near and far, who locate part of their hearts in this sacred place. Our community is varied and (as one of our T-shirts announces) our welcome is wide. All the beauty within and shining forth from the corner of 28th and 9th emanates from our God-given connection to one another and from many different commitments to tending and nurturing the vitality we share. No space truly alive is perfect, and each is a work in progress. Yet dedicated self-offering encourages colorful growth. Love bound in the Spirit brings new life, always.

Photo by Donna Lamb
Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson

Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson


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