Neighbors Helping Neighbors

01.25.22 | Donor Stories, Food for the Soul, Voices of our Community

This winter, many of our neighbors in Chelsea have joined us at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen to provide cold weather essentials to our guests and to those living on the streets of New York. Our partners have hosted clothing drives and purchased essential items like hats, gloves, and coats, to help make sure our guests have the items they need to survive the winter. In partnership with their efforts, we are raising funds to purchase the additional cold weather essentials we still need. Join us by donating here. 

Our friends at Avenues: The World School support Holy Apostles in many ways throughout the year. Many of their classes volunteer to create “care kits” full of toiletries and essentials for our Soup Kitchen guests or to make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for our Meal Outreach program. The parents at Avenues: The World School are also committed to caring for the community at Holy Apostles. They hosted a cold weather gear drive and collected coats, hats, gloves, and scarves that our Social Services department distributed to our guests.  

Our neighbors at Penn South are also dedicated to supporting Holy Apostles and our mission. Many of their residents attend our monthly Sunday Supper event and many Penn South residents also volunteer their time regularly at our Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry. This December, Penn South Social Services collected warm clothing for our guests. These essential items, like thermals and gloves, were immediately distributed to our guests who live on the streets and are facing low temperatures.  

Another community member who has stepped up to support Holy Apostles is Acts of Humanity. Acts of Humanity joins us every winter to hand out blankets and other cold weather essentials. Their partnership has allowed to provide these items to our guests year after year, and we’re thankful for their support.  

The generosity of these community members has allowed us to provide basics to our guests throughout the winter so far – we need your help to ensure that we can continue to provide the items our guests need throughout the winter. Join these community members in supporting our cold weather essentials drive by donating here 

Sarah Marcantonio

Sarah Marcantonio


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