One Small Step | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector

05.24.19 | Community, Pulpit Posts, World

photo by Charles Edward Case

During Eastertide, our Adult Classes have addressed the theme of “Eco-Faith.” Mother Susan and I have led discussions on creation care in Scripture and the Episcopal Church, and I talked about the journey to installing solar panels on the Parish Hall Roof at Grace Church in Hastings on Hudson. We also welcomed guest speakers: Soup Kitchen Director of Operations Michael Ottley offered updates about the zero-waste initiative at HASK. Sr. Faith Margaret from the Community of the Holy Spirit spoke about her Order’s discernment and process toward building a green convent.

In sources both secular and spiritual we can find exhortations to look at change as a series of small behavioral shifts rather than one huge and immediate commitment. Research indicates that absolutes in this regard are not as successful as moving toward a new way of being and doing. This reality was a common theme throughout our recent series. The people who spoke and the narratives we explored all described dedication to caring for the environment as a process, happening step by step. The vision was there, of course, but embodied through a process of accumulated smaller actions.

We started at Grace Church by replacing light bulbs. Sr. Faith Margaret described reusing shopping bags. Michael talked about getting rid of plastic utensils. Over time, these small actions led to the next steps and the next until those involved found themselves in a very different place from where they began.

This is true of so many aspects of living—and living faithfully. Doing it all at once is often overwhelming (if not impossible!). But getting up every day and making at least one small commitment to shift an attitude or action toward Life and Love is doable for most of us most of the time. So, whether your desires center on environmentalism or on one of the many other aspects of glorifying God, spend some time searching your heart. Discern where it is leading. And then take a step, in hope, toward change.

Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson

Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson


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