Rest | The Rev. Canon Robert A. Jacobs, Deacon

07.19.24 | Celebration, Community, International, Pulpit Posts, World

Summer becomes a time to work on ourselves and our ability to be the light and find meaning in our journey, even when it seems uncertain.

In our daily lives, we often find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities. Work, family, social commitments, and even church activities can fill our schedules. We become so engrossed in our duties that we forget to pause, to breathe, to rest. Yet. In the midst of our busyness, we see Jesus inviting His disciples to a quiet place to rest. This is not a mere suggestion but a clear instruction from our Savior.

Jesus understood the importance of rest. He knew that His disciples, after their rigorous ministry, needed time to rejuvenate. He recognized that they needed to step away from the crowd, from the demands of their ministry, and find a solitary place to rest. This is a powerful lesson for us today. In our pursuit of success, of achievement, of fulfilling our God-given purpose, we must not neglect the need for rest.

Rest is a necessary part of our lives, a vital component of our overall well-being. When we rest, we give our bodies the chance to heal, to recover from the stresses of our daily activities. We give our minds the opportunity to refresh, to gain new perspectives. We give our spirits the space to connect with God, to hear His voice amidst the silence.

Moreover, rest is a gift from God. It is a divine provision for our physical, mental, and spiritual health. When God created the world, He worked for six days and rested on the seventh. He set this pattern not because He was tired but to establish a rhythm of work and rest for us, whom He created. He wanted us to understand that while work is good and necessary, rest is equally important.

Rev. Robert Jacobs

Rev. Robert Jacobs


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