If we only live once, we must live our life meaningfully. Can you imagine what your life could have been if you did not delay when the opportunity was given.
What if you studied before the exam?
What if you bought that stock before it went up?
For some what if they received Jesus as their Savior when they were younger?
We all have the tendency to postpone.
There are those who stay up all night to finish a project at the last moment.
Therefore, what does the Bible say about the moment when the opportunity is given?
In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus taught us these dangers of not seizing the moment when the opportunities are given.
We must not lose opportunities to be successful.
In Luke 9, A man says to Jesus, “I will follow you Lord, but first let me go and bury my father.” Still another says, “I will follow you, Lord but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.” Jesus replies, No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
Both of these people failed to seize the moment when the opportunities were given to follow Jesus. By doing that, they missed the chance to become Jesus’ disciples. There is no successful person, who does not seize the moment when the opportunity is given.
We must realize this, I am not talking about being successful in the monetary sense, rather I am ultimately talking about success in terms of God’s perspective. In order to be successful from God’s perspective, we must seize the moment when the opportunity is given to us by God. When God gives us the opportunity to do big things in our lives we must seize the moment.
We must not try to do unimportant things in our lives and miss the chance to do eternal significant things in our lives.
Let’s say that you made a “to-do” list, and someone followed you all day and recorded the actual use of your time. When presented with the list, would you be pleased with it? Would it show the enjoyable things at the top, and the important activities always at the bottom? In order to be successful in our relationships, family, work and ministry, we must learn to take advantage of opportunities when they are given.
We must seize the moment to be successful in these areas. We do not know what happened to those two people in the Gospel. Perhaps they worked, had normal lives, like everyone else. However, they failed to live for things that are eternal.
We must not lose opportunities to be successful. We must not lose opportunities to witness. We must set out priorities on telling others about Jesus Christ. If we do not seize the moment when the opportunity is given, we can lose the chance to witness Jesus. We must not lose opportunities for salvation. When the voice of God calls, we must never make the mistake of counting on tomorrow.
Not seizing the moment can cut off our success, our service and possibly even our salvation.
We must ask these questions of ourselves:
Am I seizing the moment to be successful from an eternal perspective?
Am I seizing the moment to witness Jesus to others around me?
Am I seizing the moment to be a follower of Jesus?
We must learn to honor our God-given chances and opportunities. This is how we can live our life meaningfully.