Starting Small | The Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson, Rector

08.12.22 | Community, International, Pulpit Posts, World

           Because I am currently away on vacation , I turn this weekly meditation over to the Rev. Becca Stevens, the founder of Thistle Farms. Thistle Farms is a communal enterprise run by survivors of sexual abuse, trafficking, and addiction. In this passage from her book Practically Divine, Mother Becca reflects on the power of small actions offered in love.

Initially, it seemed a bit ridiculous to me to think that by starting a small community, we could somehow change the world, but now, it seems more ridiculous to me to think that somehow the world will change if we don’t do something.

Now, I can see that one loving gesture is practically divine. We have to do small things and believe a big difference is coming. It’s like the miraculous drops of water that seep through mountain limestone. They gather themselves into springs that flow into creeks that merge into rivers that find their way to oceans. Our work is to envision the drops as oceans. We do our small parts and know a powerful ocean of love and compassion is downstream. Each small gesture can lead to liberation. The bravest thing we can do in this world is not cling to old ideas or fear of judgment, but step out and just do something for love’s sake.

There is no secret formula to experiencing the sacred in our lives. It just takes practice and practicality. The deep truth of our lives and the fullness we are striving for don’t happen with someone giving us the code to deep knowledge. Meaning and faith are not secret things. Sometimes what we need most is to remind one another of how the divine is all around us, calling us to see and taste it for ourselves.

I look forward to seeing everyone again on Sunday, August 21. Sending prayers for summer blessings until then,

Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson

Rev. Dr. Anna S. Pearson


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