The Blessings of Summer | The Rev. Susan E. Hill, Associate Rector

06.7.24 | Celebration, Community, International, Pulpit Posts, World

As we get closer to the solstice on June 20, the official start of summer on the calendar, it is a time of hopeful anticipation of the blessings we may look forward to this season. As you may know, I am a fan of Tess Ward’s The Celtic Wheel of the Year: Old Celtic and Christian Prayers, which lays out daily prayers for use month by month. For Saturdays in June, the theme is the “Canticle of Midsummer,” and the prayers play off of the well-known Canticle of the Sun by St. Francis.

Here is the Morning Invocation:
Praised be you through Brother Sun for coming round the corner of the short night and lighting the morning this day.

Praised be you through my Friend Body, greeting you as the universe unfolds afresh.
Praised be you through gracious Sister flowers in the gardens and meadows,
Sisters Lavender, Poppy, Fox-glove and Rose;
Praise through their healing Brothers Mugwort, Lemon Balm and Elderflower;
Through the fulsome Brother trees and great trusty Brother Oak.
Praised be you through the food you provide in allotment and fields,
Through Brother Beans, Lettuce, Brothers Asparagus and Aubergine;
Through Strawberry and her Sister Berries; Sister Peach and Sister Cherry.
Praised be you through all Creatures and specially Companions in our home;
Brother Dog who lies with sleepy eye by stove, Sister Cat all folded in,
for they show me how to uncomplicate my love and live in the moment.
May I live in the moment of your abundant love in the day that lies before me.

May we all live in the moment of God’s abundant love this summer!


Rev. Susan Hill

Rev. Susan Hill


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