What is it about autumn? Whether we are actively engaged with the academic year or not, there is something about Labor Day weekend coming and going; something about those days where the air is just a bit crisper and we notice it getting darker a tad earlier. Maybe it’s because so many of us were students for so long or because we live in the Northeast with its distinct seasons, but it’s hard not to feel the bittersweet combination of summer’s loss and the hope that accompanies new beginnings.
Here at Holy Apostles we are looking forward to a season of activity and engagement. If you are on our mailing list you will soon receive the fall brochure, which includes both regular activities including our worship and Adult Education programs as well as special events like our 175th anniversary celebration (if you are not yet on our mailing list and would like to be, click here). I hope you will be with us for as many of our gatherings as possible. Each individual brings something unique to every event (which is just another way of saying that it’s always better when you’re there!).
Next Sunday, September 22, marks our transition into this new season. Our Adult Ed begins with a series examining The Way of Love encouraged by our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Our choir returns to inspire us with their musical leadership. We will meet our new intern from the Episcopal Service Corps. Deacon Bob will baptize his newest grandchild at the 11 am service, and after worship we will have an expanded coffee hour and opportunity to contribute to a craft project sponsored by our Social and Economic Justice Committee. These are but a few indications of the thriving and celebratory community that is Church of the Holy Apostles. Please join us, in any and all ways that move your heart. I look forward to continued growth together, as we cycle into another new time of hope and possibility.