The Re-Imagining of the Parable of the Talents

11.17.17 | Pulpit Posts

We are all familiar with the story of the master who summoned his slaves before going on a journey and entrusted them with his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, each according to his ability.

“For the person who uses what he is given will be given more. But the person who is unfaithful, God will take those things away from them.”

Let’s look at a story I found and perhaps better understand this parable.

There was a man who owned a manufacturing business and he had to go away on a long trip and so he called his three employees together and said, “I am leaving three of you in charge.” Before I go however, I have a gift I want to give to all of you. The man then gave each of his employees some money. But each amount was different. To the first man, he gave $5 000. To the second, he gave $2500. To the third $1000. He said I want you to use it for something good. He then left to go on his journey.

When he returned, he called the three men together to see what they had done while he was away.

The first one said to his boss, I know you have a great love for the homeless people of the world, so I used the money you gave me to help feed them. The boss responded, “that is great!” You have done so well that I am going to put you in charge of the whole company.

The second man came and said, I knew that you had a great love for the elderly, so I used my money to help fix up a senior adult’s home. The boss responded, that’s wonderful! “You have done such a great job that I am putting you in charge of all the repair work for the company.”

Then he turned to the third man and said, “What did you do with the money that I left for you? The man said, I know you are a very hard person to work for and to please. I was afraid that if I used the money you might not be happy, so I saved it all. I put it in a safe place. Never used. The boss said, I didn’t give you the money for you to put away or to keep safe. I gave it to you to use. You are fired. Then he took his money and divided them among the other two men.

I think this story is a good picture of what God has done in us. He has given each of us something to use. We sometimes call them talents. They are gifts, opportunities, that God has given to us to serve Him. Talents include, wealth, abilities and learning. The parable teaches us to invest everything God gives us for His glory. We want to be faithful servants of Christ, we must use what He gives us to spread the Good News. No matter how old or young we are, we are to use the gifts God gave us.

We don’t all get the same one or the same amount but he asks us to be faithful with what He does give us. If we are, He will give us even more, but if we don’t, He may take them away and give them to someone who will use them. So, let’s be sure that when God gives us something that we use it wisely.


Rev. Robert Jacobs

Rev. Robert Jacobs


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