The Selection of Matthias The Apostle

02.22.18 | Pulpit Posts

Tomorrow happens to be the Feast of St. Matthias, the apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas. You can read the account of the search process and outcome in Acts 1: 15-26. With the death of Judas by his own hand it was seen as important to maintain the 12-fold Apostolic leadership as founded by Jesus. In terms of qualifications it was deemed that a person who had known Jesus throughout his earthly ministry should “become with us a witness to his resurrection.” That is not a bad description of what Christian ministry is all about. We are all called by our baptism to be “witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus.” It so happens this week that I am celebrating the 47th anniversary of being made a deacon in the church and the 46th of being made a priest. My goodness how time flies! All I hope and pray is that through my ministry I can be a “witness to the resurrection of Jesus.”

In our parish at this time we are very conscious of the selection process for a new Rector for Holy Apostles. Only last Thursday the Search Committee completed its work by handing over several names to the vestry so that having done their due diligence the vestry can vote and hopefully produce a successful candidate. Voting by the vestry is not all that far from casting lots to choose between Joseph called Barsabbas and Matthias. Interestingly enough the Coptic Pope in Egypt is still chosen by the drawing of lots! Choices have to be made. But, as Christians we believe and pray that God’s Spirit informs our choices. So, I encourage you to pray for the vestry at this time so that they may make a Spirit-filled choice of a new leader for Holy Apostles.

May Matthias and all the Holy Apostles pray with us and for us.

Bishop Andrew St. John

Bishop Andrew St. John


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