The Son Rises | The Rev. Robert A. Jacobs, Deacon

04.2.21 | Celebration, Community, Pulpit Posts, World

When Mary and the other women approached the tomb after Jesus’ death, they saw an amazing sight. They expected to see the stone still blocking the tomb, and they needed a way to enter the resting place of their beloved Master. The stone represented a barrier to their goal, to anoint the body of Jesus, with spices. I’m sure their hearts were still downcast as grief flooded their spirits. “Who will roll away the stone?” they asked one another. How could they anoint Jesus’ body if the stone blocked the entrance?

Imagine the women’s shock when they “looked up” and saw the stone was not there. Who moved the stone? Matthew’s gospel states, “An angel of the Lord.”

Do you have stones stuck deep at the entrance of your heart? Stones of FEAR, REBELLION, DESPAIR OR DISCOURAGEMENT?

Do they loom so large; you surrender at the thought of even trying to remove them?

Have you tried only to realize no amount of heaving or shoving would budge them?

The obstacles are not made of stone, but they seem just as massive and powerful and you feel helpless to remove them.

Whatever those stones or circumstances, your enemy has been closing the entrance of your heart and mind, until there is no light remaining. You cannot see a way out or in. You speculate, “WHO WILL ROLL THIS STONE AWAY? You don’t know where to turn, but you know you want the stone removed. Then just like the women, you “LOOK UP” in faith and what you see is truly amazing.

You see not stones – but pebbles. You see not darkness – but daylight. There is a huge opening, and maybe you hear a faint divine whisper in your spirit, “I have already rolled the stone away.”

Jesus’ death and resurrection opened the door to new life. The stones that imprison us or block our path have no power to destroy us. There is only One who can roll away your stones and bring joy, new life, and freedom through Christ.

That’s part of the “Son Rise Service,” the Resurrection message and that’s where our hope lies. Keep looking up!

Look toward the hills from which comes your help, your help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

Death and the grave cannot hold the Son of God. He had the authority to lay down his life, and he had authority to take it up again. That was a Son Rise Service and because of that Son Rise Service, we worship and serve a Risen Lord.

Thank God for that Son Rise Service, because it changes everything and because He lives, we can face our tomorrows and all our fears are gone.


Brooklyn Museum – The Women at the Sepulchre
(The Angel at the Tomb of Christ) – Benjamin West – overall
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Rev. Robert Jacobs

Rev. Robert Jacobs


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