As I write this, protests continue throughout our city and our nation. Last night was mostly peaceful, and we are starting to hear about civic leaders who are coming together to address the issues that have sparked such justified anger and resistance.
As I write this, Covid-19 continues to be a threat all over the world. We know New York has done mighty battle with this foe and has seen some success. The city is poised to begin opening on Monday—these next days will tell whether we are still on track for that to happen.
And in the midst of all this, Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen continues its work to meet the desperate need all around us. A need that is growing. Last week we served 5,166 hot meals and distributed 285 Pantry Bags filled with food. That is a total of 18,166 meals, last week alone. A gargantuan increase, and the line that winds around 28th Street and extends to 8th Avenue shows no sign of shortening any time soon.
At a time when we are unable to worship together in person, know that our church is a space active and alive with Gospel energy. Wherever you are as you read this, you are part of this vital work. The ability of the soup kitchen to serve so many of God’s children is rooted in the faith and generosity of Holy Apostles. Our worshiping community and our community of service are one: one spirit, one heart, one sacramental hope.
So please continue praying for us. And, since a picture truly is worth a thousand words, here are some photos of the ongoing work that happens every day in our beautiful church. Note the purple frontal on the altar—untouched since we last worshiped together on the third Sunday in Lent!