Good Corporate Citizen Spotlight: Bloomberg

10.25.21 | Donor Stories, Food for the Soul, Voices of our Community

Every day at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, we recognize the critical role food plays in all of our lives. Food is nourishment, for both the body and the soul, and can represent culture, family, and community. Our culinary team and volunteers meticulously plan each meal to ensure that our guests, many of whom will eat their only meal of the day at the Soup Kitchen, are nourished, full, and satisfied. 

On World Food Day, we are especially grateful to our community who puts food on the plates of New Yorkers in need. In recognition of World Food Day, our partners at Bloomberg recently donated to the Soup Kitchen.  

Over the past several years, Bloomberg has been a partner in fighting hunger in New York City. Their dedication to our mission has allowed us to feed thousands of New Yorkers, and their consistent generosity helped the Soup Kitchen to stay open and keep feeding those in need during the challenging days of 2020 and 2021.  

Since 2002, Bloomberg has observed World Food Day by removing everything but tea, coffee, and water from the kitchens in their offices throughout the world to raise awareness of hunger. In honor of World Food Day, Bloomberg donates food and resources that would’ve gone to stock their office pantries for the day to food programs around the world, like Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen. 

This donation from Bloomberg will help us continue providing food to all those in need throughout the year. At the Soup Kitchen, we are thankful for their support and their ongoing generosity. To learn more about how your company can become a Good Corporate Citizen like Bloomberg, click here.

Sarah Marcantonio

Sarah Marcantonio


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