Good Corporate Citizen: Tapestry

04.26.22 | Food for the Soul, Voices of our Community, Volunteer Stories

Here at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry, we are thankful for the days when volunteer groups from local companies and organizations stop by for a volunteer day of service. Last week, our friends from Tapestry stores across New York joined us to pack and distribute bags of groceries for the families that visit our food pantry.

Our partners at Tapestry packed 963 bags of groceries, including 8,316 pounds of vegetables, 7,560 pounds of protein, and 7,182 pounds of dry goods — all of this was distributed to 321 individuals and families who visited us for groceries on April 20th.

Group volunteering offers an opportunity for your company or organization to serve our community while bonding with each other and enjoying a fun activity together. We offer a variety of activities for different sized groups, including packing bags of groceries or snacks for our Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen guests, creating toiletry kits or making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for our guests from your own offices, or distributing groceries directly to our Food Pantry guests during our afternoon volunteer shift. Learn more about how your company or organization can get involved here.

Sarah Marcantonio

Sarah Marcantonio


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